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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Tips Workout Di Bulan Puasa

Pejam-celik tak sangka tinggal 19 hari saja lagi untuk kita menyambut Ramadhan untuk tahun 2016. Yang pastinya pada masa ini ramai pengamal dan penggemar fitness dan bina badan, mahupun yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan mesti tertanya-tanya dan buntu tentang bagaimana untuk meneruskan perjalanan fitness mereka di bulan ini. Semestinya di bulan Ramadhan ini, kita selalu nya tertumpu utk meningkatkan amalan ibadah bagi mengejar ganjaran yang berlipat ganda dan menjadi titik tolak untuk melatih diri dan menjadi umat yang lebih baik. 

Amalan berpuasa dan menahan diri dari makan dan minum di siang hari sedikit sebanyak memberikan kesan terhadap aktiviti fitness seseorang, yang sudah terbiasa dengan rejim pemakanan dan latihan fizikal yang intensif . Walau bagaimanapun, ini tidak sepatutnya menghalang kita daripada meneruskan aktiviti fitness yang kita inginkan. 

Disini, coach akan kongsikan tips dan cara bagaimana anda boleh meneruskan rutin fitness anda di bulan Ramadhan dengan jayanya. 


Utamakan pengambilan protein yang mencukupi iaitu 2g/kg of bodyweight. Kerana protein amatlah penting untuk proses pemulihan dan pembinaan otot anda. Tanpa protein yang mencukupi, badan anda akan lambat recover daripada workout yang sebelumnya. Seterusnya barulah anda focus kepada karbohidrat, lemak dan micro nutrisi yang lain bagi melengkapkan hidangan anda.


Kandungan air dalam badan yang rendah di bulan puasa ini selalunya mendatangkan pelbagai masalah seperti bibir kering, haus, badan lesu, kurang bertenaga, dan boleh menyebabkan dehidrasi yang teruk jika tidak diatasi dengan cara yang betul. Maka pengambilan air yang mencukupi sewaktu berbuka sehinggalah sahur perlu dititikberatkan. Pastikan selepas berbuka, anda minum setiap jam sehingga tiba waktu sahur(kecuali tidur) bagi memastikan badan anda sentiasa terhidrat untuk keesokan hari. Sekurang-kurangnya 2.5 litre.


Pengambilan supplement seperti Protein Casein mampu bertindak sebagai timed release protein yang mana akan membekalkan nutrisi seperti amino acid kepada badan anda secara berperingkat. Ini lah protein yang paling sesuai di bulan puasa. Manakala Whey protein sesuai untuk penyerapan nutrisi  serta merta dan lebih sesuai digunakan sejurus selepas sesi workout anda. Pengambilan multivitamin juga penting bagi memenuhi keperluan micro nutrisi badan yang kurang akibat berpuasa.


Haruslah anda ingat, bahawa bulan puasa bukanlah masanya untuk anda perform 100% seperti di bulan yang lain. Disebabkan corak pemakanan yang berbeza dan terhad, rutin latihan anda seharusnya diteruskan hanya untuk maintenance atau mengekalkan tahap fitness anda.

  • Sebagai contoh, sekiranya sebelum ini rutin anda di gym selama 2jam dan sebanyak 5 kali seminggu, maka anda perlu mengurangkan volume atau intensity rutin anda kepada kadar 60 %. Iaitu 3 kali seminggu dan tidak lebih dari 1 jam setiap sesi.
  • Corak latihan juga perlu diubah dan lebih fokus kepada compound movement seperti bench press ,squats,shoulder press, deadlift dan sebagainya. Focus kepada total body workout.
  • Kurangkan latihan isolation kerana ini akan memberi stress yang terlampau pada otot.
  • Latihan kardiovascular seharusnya dielakkan kerana ini boleh membuatkan anda kehilangan air dalam badan dan seterusnya boleh menyebabkan anda pitam, pengsan, dan lesu sewaktu berpuasa. 
  • Sekiranya anda biasa tertumpu kepada latihan kardiovaskular, cukuplah sekadar melakukan interval training selama 10-15min yang mana untuk pengetahuan anda interval training amat bagus untuk melatih tahap kardiovaskular dalam waktu yang singkat.( sila rujuk rutin interval training di artikel coach yang sebelum inI.
  • Lakukan latihan kardiovaskular selepas berbuka.
  • Cube elakkan melakukan latihan beban atau kardiovaskular sebelum waktu berbuka. Ini kerana badan anda sudah berpuasa untuk jangka masa yang panjang dan ketandusan nutrisi,air serta tenaga. Jika anda masih berbuat demikian, prestasi anda akan merudum dan tidak dapat perform dan recover dengan baik akibat tiada nutrisi yang mencukupi. 

Timing juga penting bagi yang hendak workout dibulan puasa ini. Berikut merupakan contoh pilihan untuk anda:

Pilihan 1 (Isnin, Rabu, Jumaat) 

7.00pm (Berbuka puasa) - Minum air secukupnya dan makan segenggam kurma, Solat magrib.
8.00pm-9.00pm (Workout di gym)- Fokus kepada total body dan compound movement. atau kardiovaskular  <1jam
9.00pm- Minum protein
9.30pm- Makan full meal seperti biasa. 
Sebelum Tidur- Minum Protein Casein
Sahur- Makan full meal macam biasa dan minum protein casein. Pastikan anda pilih komplex karbohidrat.

Note: Anda boleh fokus solat tarawih pada hari yang anda tidak workout.

Pilihan 2 

7.00pm (Berbuka puasa) -Makan full meal & minum air secukupnya, Solat magrib.
8.00pm-9.00pm- (Solat Tarawih)
9.30pm-10.30pm-(Workout di gym) Fokus kepada total body dan compound movement atau kardiovaskular <1jam
10.30pm- Minum Protein 
11.00pm- Makan full meal seperti biasa. 
Sahur- Makan full meal macam biasa dan minum protein casein. Pastikan anda pilih komplex karbohidrat.

Note: Anda boleh fokus tarawih dan workout pada hari yang sama. TETAPI, penat sikit la sebab lepas tarawih nak workout lagi dan anda pasti akan lapar semula, terpaksa makan full meal lagi selepas workout di waktu yang agak lambat.

Jadi coach dah berikan pilihan kepada anda. Keputusan di tangan masing-masing. Tetapi coach selalunya pilih yang PERTAMA kerana lebih praktikal dan selesa. So, jangan berhenti workout ye. Teruskan usaha korang untuk mencapai target masing2. NAK PAKAI BAJU RAYA NAMPAK SEGAK DAN ANGGUN KAN??...hehehe...

Goodluck Uolls!!!

Izwan Yusop
Advanced Personal Trainer
Fitness First SCM

Monday, 16 May 2016

The Good Fat

In continuation to our previous topic regarding FAT, not all fat are created equal. Good fats such as monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and essential omega 3 fatty acid are of great important to the development of your dream  body and as important as to reduce disease and improve health condition. 

Monounsaturated fats are mainly found in natural foods like (nutsavocadosolive oil, and grape-seed oil, corn oil and canola oil).Oils high in monounsaturated fats are found to be best for cooking with as they  they remain stable at higher temperatures and do not easily become hydrogenated or saturated.

Polyunsaturated fats, on the other hand  typically have a lower shelf life than the monounsaturated type. However, the polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in (vegetable oils, sunflower and cottonseed oil), have been shown to be protective against insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes) compared with monounsaturated fats, which are thought to promote this condition if consumed in excessive amounts.

Omega 3 fatty acids  to be found as the most beneficial type of fat available.As they are primarily found in fatty cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon and herring, and have additional health promoting properties such as an ability to significantly reduce inflammation, help prevent cancer growth and improve brain function. Omega 3 fats, like other fatty acids, also promote cell integrity and fluidity. It also provide several additional health benefit such as the ability to promote healthy cells through strengthening the cell membrane and providing a greater degree of cell fluidity, and may even prevent certain cancers.
Omega 3 fats are also found, in significant quantities, in walnuts, flaxseeds and flax oil, and in smaller amounts in soybean and canola oils. Their most nutritionally beneficial forms are alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), all three classed as essential as the body cannot naturally manufacture them. We therefore need to obtain sufficient amounts through our diet.
In studies, omega 3 fats were shown to inhibit a breast cancer promoting pro-inflammatory enzyme called cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2), while activating a special receptor in cell membranes called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), which can shut down proliferative activity in a variety of cells (most notably breast cells) and help to prevent cancer development through their ability to help repair damaged DNA.
Omega 3 fats also increase the production of favourable prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that perform important physiological functions from a health standpoint, more effective in reducing platelet aggregation (blood clotting), improving blood flow and reducing inflammation.
EPA goes a step further to directly reduce inflammation through its production of recently identified lipids called resolvins. The reduction of inflammation has major beneficial consequences, both for the general population and for bodybuilders. Inflammation, although a necessary aspect of the tissue building process, has been shown to impede muscular recovery should it continue for a longer period. Therefore, omega 3 fats should form part of a bodybuilder's supplement strategy.
The following guide can help you to make decision on fat intake:
  • Snack on peanuts instead of potato chips or candy. Peanuts are high in monounsaturated fats and provide a good energy source without all the trans and saturated fats that are contained in typical snack foods. Again, don't overindulge in this good source of fats; but rather, limit their consumption to half a cup per serving.
  • Use olive oil in salad dressings and in marinades. Olive oil, the most nutritionally beneficial of the monounsaturated fats, is the ideal replacement for the commonly used polyunsaturated vegetable oil.
  • Replace high calorie, saturated fat containing cheese and meats with avocado and a cold-water fish source such as salmon, when making sandwiches. In doing this you are exchanging bad fats for good fats, thus eliminating unwanted calories from the wrong sources.
  • Use nuts and seeds, rather than chocolate and candy pieces when baking or as a topping for various deserts.
  • Use fatty fish in place of red meat or chicken for at least three meals per week.
  • Limit, or eliminate entirely, fast foods fried in trans fats, and other good containing these fats (cookies, cakes, donuts).
  • Whenever possible, use naturally occurring, un-hydrogenated (non-trans fat) oils such as olive or canola and, if one must, eat processed food containing un-hydrogenated oils rather than hydrogenated or saturated fats.

In conclusion, although fat received an unfavorable reputation as something to be avoided,  and increase unwanted weight gain if taken in excess, given that fat, regardless of its source, contains nine calories per gram compared with four calories per gram for both protein and carbohydrates. However, good fats are important for general health and fitness and should be taken as substitute to bad fats.

Izwan Yusop
Advanced Personal Trainer
Fitness First SCM

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Bad Fat

Accumulation of bodyfat is normally due to inadequate  diet which comprises of carbohydrate and unhealthy fats. These bad fats which  include dietary cholesterol, saturated fat, & trans fat.

I will suggest you guys try to minimize and avoid the following food whenever possible if getting a great physique is the ultimate goal: cheese (use low fat or non fat cheese), butter (use a butter substitute), margarine, egg yolks, sour cream (use fat free), salad dressings (use fat-free Italian dressing or lemon juice instead), fries (try the fat-free baked fries), potato chips (try low fat, baked or fat free instead), ice cream (try nonfat ice cream, frozen yogurt or sorbet instead), mayonnaise (try fat free mayo), peanut butter, chocolate, desserts, and lastly  keep junk foods to occasional consumption or cheat meal (i will explain what it is in the up coming post) 

Always watch for hidden fats in packaged foods. Read your food labels! Here is an easy formula to figure the percentage of fat in a labeled food: For every 100 calories, foods should contain 20 calories of fat or less, or 20% fat by calories. You can also take the listed fat calories per serving and divide by the total calories per serving. Avoid foods that are higher than 20% fat by calories. 

Therefore if you wanting a good looking physique, it is best for you to substitute bad fat with the good ones. Metabolism is the key to burning those calories during physical activity or even at resting state.

How fats is being used to burn fat and maintaining a good healthy appearance? The key is to choose good fat instead. I will share with all of you on good fat in the upcoming post.Thank you.

Izwan Yusop

Advanced Personal Trainer
Fitness First SCM

Mr. Smart Physique 2016


(Credit to:

Mr. Malaysia 2016


(Credit to:

Mr.Gym 1Malaysia Badan Cantik Larkin 2016


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Mr. Sado Ampang 2016


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