The best way to classifying your weight training exercise is to know which routine gives what to you. Which part and how many muscle being used to performed.
In this case there are 2 types of exercise:
Compound Exercise
Isolation Exercise
Some say that compound exercise is better than isolation and vice versa. But that is not all true.The truth is both compound and isolation exercise can benefits us in different ways
So let me break this down for you:
Compound Exercise- is any exercise that involves the use of more than one major muscle group at a time. Normally this involve movements from 2 or more joints on our body . Typically, there is one larger muscle group that ends up doing the majority of the work, and then one or more smaller muscle groups that are recruited secondarily.
According to the basic movement in fitness, if an exercise involves pushing, pulling, squatting, lunges or deadlifting, it’s usually training more than one major muscle group, and that makes it a compound exercise.
- Flat, Incline or Decline Bench Press (barbell, dumbbell or machine).Primary Muscle Group: Chest.Secondary Muscle Groups: Shoulders, Triceps
- Overhead Shoulder Press (barbell, dumbbell or machine)Primary Muscle Group: Shoulders.Secondary Muscle Group: Triceps
- Dips (on parallel bars with slight forward lean)Primary Muscle Group: Chest.Secondary Muscle Groups: Triceps, Shoulders
- Dips (on parallel bars with no forward lean)Primary Muscle Group: Triceps.Secondary Muscle Groups: Shoulders, Chest
- Rows (barbell, dumbbell, or machine)Primary Muscle Group: Back.Secondary Muscle Group: Biceps
- Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Lat Pull-Downs (any type of grip).Primary Muscle Group: Back.Secondary Muscle Group: Biceps
- Deadlifts (many variations).Primary Muscle Group: Posterior Chain (Hamstrings, Glutes, Back, etc.).Secondary Muscle Groups: Much Of Lower Body, Much Of Upper Body
- Squats (many variations).Primary Muscle Group: Quads.Secondary Muscle Groups: Most Of Lower Body (Glutes/Hamstrings), Lower Back
Kevin Levrone IFBB Pro
And as you can see on the joint movement and muscle involvement below:
- All chest pushing/pressing exercises also use the shoulders and triceps.
- All shoulder pushing/pressing exercises also use the triceps.
- All back pulling/rowing exercises also use the biceps.
- Deadlifts and squats (and split squats, lunges, step ups, leg presses) also use a variety of lower body muscles and, in some cases, the lower and/or upper back.
Whereas on the other hand,
Isolation exercise- is any exercise in which only one major muscle group is trained by itself. Typically, the movement is done in such a way where usage of all other muscle groups is avoided, which leaves one muscle group isolated and able to do all of the work with mostly single joint movement.
Here’s a list of the most common isolation exercises along with the muscle it isolates/trains:
- Flat, Incline or Decline Flyes (dumbbell, cable or machine).Muscle Group Trained: Chest
- Lateral Raises or Front Raises (dumbbell, cable or machine).Muscle Group Trained: Shoulders
- Biceps Curls (barbell, dumbbell, cable or machine).Muscle Group Trained: Biceps
- Triceps Extensions (barbell, dumbbell, cable or machine).Muscle Group Trained: Triceps
- Leg Extensions.Muscle Group Trained: Quads
- Leg Curls.Muscle Group Trained: Hamstrings
- Calf Raises.Muscle Group Trained: Calves
Basically, if an exercise involves raising, curling or extending, it’s usually training just one major muscle group, and that makes it an isolation exercise. Isolated exercises are great for minor tweaking once you have already established your goals, however for those looking to make significant muscle gains or lose bodyfat, they are not ideal.
So, what’s best for you? Here’s what I recommend…
- If your primary goal is performance related (increasing strength, improving performance,powerlifter, weight lifter strongman & etc.), then compound exercises should comprise the majority of your workout routine. Isolation exercises should be greatly limited or possibly avoided completely.
- If your primary goal is for esthetic & looks related (building muscle, losing fat, getting “toned,” body building, athletic physique & etc.), then compound exercises should comprise the majority of your workout routine and get your primary focus. However, a secondary focus on isolation exercises is ideal and act as a final touch up to sharpen your look.
See you guys on the upcoming post ya. Tq
Izwan Yusop
Advanced Personal Trainer
Fitness First SCM
Fitness First SCM
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Thanks for the article.... Compound dumbell exercises
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